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Bed Utilisation Study, Roscommon University Hospital



Project Lead: Anne Smyth, Assistant Director of Nursing Medical Directorate; 
Ursula Morgan, Director of Nursing; 
Rachel O Donnell, Clerical Administration; 
Mary Geary, Clinical Nurse Manager 2; 
Madeline Spellman, Dietitian; 
Fiona Neilan, Discharge Coordinator; 
Azhagiri Anbazhagan, Occupational Therapist



Medical Inpatient Wards, Roscommon University Hospital



The Saolta Unscheduled Care General Manager and Group Data Analyst completed an in-depth bed utilisation study (BUS) in Roscommon University Hospital in March 2023. Following the BUS, 7 key recommendations were identified which were underpinned by a comprehensive action plan with a focus to optimise all inpatient bed capacity, reduce the number of Red days patients were having which in turn would increase discharges and reduce length of stay. An initial hospital wide meeting was held in early February to bring awareness and education around the initial findings from the BUS and the key work streams that would commence as part of the action plan Weekly meetings with a core group commenced to implement the recommendations.



Development and rollout of SAFER bundle

Implementation of Model Wards on inpatient wards

Standardisation of whiteboards incorporating Red2Green tool and using this as an operational tool with all of the MDT

Implementation of Predicted Date of Discharge (PDD)

Standardised approach to discharge planning education

Clear defined process to identify delayed transfers of care

Develop a weekly systematic review and report of all patients with a >14 day LOS



Everyone is aware of the impact of patients having “Red Days”. Improved communication processes between hospital and community. Overall reduction in >14 day LOS since commencement of the review. Increased focus/awareness on discharge and removing barriers. Increase in the number of discharges Sustaining DTOC KPI ≤4 patients. By using the operational whiteboards, it has shown to improve teamwork, by bringing the MDT closer together through communication and collaboration. Overall providing safe and timely care for our patients.



Telephone 090 6632393

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